Saturday, December 12, 2009

Breathe In, Breathe Out

We have had a very interesting 24 hours - I am so tired right now that I cannot even think. Addison was admitted to the hospital at 5am with pneumonia. She has been a very very good patient considering everything she has been through this morning and tonight. I wanted to share a few pics with everyone - and ask for you guys to remember her in your prayers. We are praying to get discharged tomorrow if Addison is able to keep her oxygen levels where they need to be without the help of a nasal cannula.

Getting a breathing treatment

All of her animals that people have given her today!!

I have been an emotional case today - but have been surrounded by the comfort of my Savior! I am going to catch some shut eye while Addison is resting well - Thanks for all the prayers, and I will update soon!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I hope she gets better soon and gets to go home fast. You'll have to keep us up to date. I will be praying for her and hope she gets well fast.
