Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bloggy Blah

So, I have been in a bloggy kinda funk lately and just at a loss for words. I have been extremely busy at work and studying for yet another PRAXIS exam that I will take tomorrow at 730am. (Why am I up blogging at 1230am?????) This is the 3rd of 4 test that I have to take and pass before I can student teach in January 2010. The light is getting brighter at the end of this long, long tunnel! My admission ticket is printed, pencils sharpened and anxiety kicking!! I was reading over some Bible verses on fear and worry before I went to bed and I found something that I had to share. Max Lucado says to remember this about worry, I thought it was PEACEFUL* and something to easily remember!!

P ray, first (1 Peter 5:7)
E asy, now
A ct on it
C ompile a worry list
E valuate your worry categories
F ocus on today
U nleash a worry army
L et God be ENOUGH

I love the unleash a worry army!! Heck, I need a whole worry military!! So now that I have put up my first post in over a week hopefully my bloggy spirit will pick up! I have a GOAL to complete my 2010 project life album and I did not take a single picture last week!! We are going on vacation on July 31st so I know that I will have vacay pics to fill the empty spots in the album if needed. Have a good weekend everyone!!


  1. Praying that you will sense God's arms around you as you take your exam. I also pray that you have a calm spirit. YOu will do great! I too have been in a bloggy blah funk.

  2. Break a brain!

    (hope your test went well!)
